Monday, August 29, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #6: "The Unexpected"


As you begin your fall semester as a new student or returning student, your college journey will be filled with twists and turns. Some of these moments can be predicted, but others may not be. What do you do when the unexpected happens? The first is to expect the unexpected (I know, easier said than done). This sounds crazy, but we can become so accustomed to life as we know it to be that we start getting used to our rhythm and patterns. As a result, we become desensitized to changes or surprises that may come our way. Sometimes these surprises are welcomed: a new opportunity, financial breakthrough or an unexpected visit. But some changes are not as embraced with excitement: a bad grade after you've studied, a death in the family or a sickness.

Rather than finding a scripture passage with nuisances that may take time to explain in a blog entry, let's just take Psalm 23:1:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

As our Shepherd, the Lord knows that things and situations may come our way that catch us by surprise and leave us stunned. He knows that when we find ourselves in a precarious situation that we did not create but has pinned us down, He will lead us and guide us with all truth and wisdom. Why? Because we shall not want. He knows our needs and our desires. We shall not want. John 10:11 says that He (Jesus) is the good shepherd and lays down His life for His sheep. Scripture also tells us that His sheep know His voice and follow Him. We must dedicate ourselves as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in order that we are ready to hear His voice and follow.

College students: Let's not just attend church and say we believe. Let's live a life worthy of His sacrifice. Let's use our faith, that even in the unexpected circumstances we face, we trust in what He has said and what He will do. When you feel doubtful, pray about it. Read the Scriptures to feed your faith. Bring others along to help you in this faith journey. The unexpected did not expect you: man and woman of faith!

Blog Entry by: Ryan Faison (QUEST/YAM Director)

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