Monday, September 26, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #24: "Break My Heart"

What an amazing time we had this past Friday at Young Adults Live! It was a wonderful opportunity to find out who we are in Christ, the art of true worship and the ability to love others, through the testimonies of a mission trip to Haiti.

Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, made the profound statement:
“Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God!”
That one quote has been utilized as a prayer by many and most recently by me. All around the world poverty is consuming our families, children are being abandoned, and human trafficking is becoming a norm, while we worry about not having up-to-date technology, about the male/female that isn’t giving us the attention we desire, about the constant need for more money, about the things in life that are just that, THINGS.

I don’t want to trivialize the need or want for great things because that is a natural desire, but what is God’s desire for us? Matthew 6:33 clearly tells us: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” How can He use you to impact someone? How can you change your environment by noticing the details? Is there something God wants to do with you that He can’t do because you are too focused on the wrong things?

Come into agreement with me today and say: “Lord today instead of worrying about what I want, let my heart be broken with the things that break your heart!”

Blog Entry By:
Esmeralda Lopez
QUEST/YAM Leader, Life Group Leader
Check out Entry #12 for Esmeralda's blog entry entitled "Can I Really Move Mountains?"

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