Monday, August 22, 2011

QUEST Fall 2011 Semester Entry #1: "A New Start"

Greetings College and International Students!

As you prepare for the start of the Fall semester at your college, you may be experiencing mixed emotions. If this is your first semester as a college student, you may be wondering, "What should I expect? What will campus life be like? Will I make friends? Will I do well in school?" If you are returning for another semester, you may be asking, "What will this semester be like? What activities and groups should I participate in? How will I manage with all the other stuff I have to do?" These questions, along with many others, are normal and a part of your college journey. But, the fact remains that it doesn't make it any easier.

You are beginning a new chapter that chronicles the life experiences you will face, the surprises that may come your way, and the hopes and dreams you aspire to. This chapter of your life is part of your story; a uniquely fashioned story that only you can experience. Whether you are on the campus of your school, commuting back and forth, or have traveled from a long distance to arrive for this semester, this is your time to grow, develop and to learn who you really are. Rather than being defined by others and the world around you, you have the opportunity to discover the essence of who you were created to be! It is a discovery, it is a quest!

The QUEST College Ministry of Christ Church is here to help you in this regard. With a host of ministry offerings from Life Groups/Life Activity Groups to a phone call and e-mail with an encouraging word, QUEST desires to see you reach your full potential, but not according to world standards, but in Christ Jesus. Since this start of this ministry 3 years ago, we have found that worry and anxiety can hold a college student back from reaching this potential and have a new start. Scripture tells us this:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
The word anxious in this portion of Scripture does not mean reasonable concerns. We may all, from time to time, raise easonable concerns about situations and circumstances. But, in the original Greek language, the word anxious in Philippians means panic and being pulled in all different directions! As you start this semester, you may find deep down you are in "panic mode". Don't allow panic to handicap you or fear to paralyze you! The encouraging word of this Scripture is that we can, in all circumstances, by prayer to God and thanksgiving, share our stuff with God and He hears us, answers us and guards us.

Be careful not to take in all of the worries and anxieties of others who are starting their first semester or coming back. As you encourage yourself, encourage them to: take all of your doubts, worries and anxiety, bring it to God, and let His peace go before you! It is our prayer this will be the focus this year! Rather than repeating the same patterns of the past, let this be the year for A NEW START!

Blog entry by: QUEST/YAM Director Ryan Faison
Twitter: @ryanfaison; Facebook:;

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