Tuesday, August 23, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #2: "Choices"


As you begin A NEW START in college, you will find there are choices you will need to make about your academic career, your personal relationships, your willingness to submit to a disciplined life and your relationship with God. When you make choices today, they affect your tomorrow. For example, if you decide to exercise, you will find that you are in better shape and you will have more energy. Conversely, if you do not exercise, you may find that you are sluggish and not in the best shape of your life. Your choices bears fruit tomorrow. The Word of God speaks to choices in the life of Moses when he said:

Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendents might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him" - Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NLT
In his final speech to the Israelites, Moses tells his people that they had a choice to make. And this choice was to love, obey and commit to the Lord. If they didn't make this wise choice, they made a choice to do otherwise! This decision was not just for their life or for those around them. The decision they would make would affect the people that came after them, thousands of people that they may never know. It sounds dramatic, it sounds like life and death, right? Well, it is dramatic and it is life and death. The choice to love and live for God as a college student is one of the best decisions you can make. Will you be the most popular? Maybe not. Will you be the one everyone wants to be like? Some may. Some may not. But, the Lord will note your decision and a greater measure of blessings will be coming your way. It's a choice between blessings and cursings. Choose one!

You will face many decisions starting this semester. Some will be quite easy to make. You may consider some decisions a "no-brainer". But others may require an investment of time, energy, and laying aside distractions to make a wise decision. In the choosing, the choices you make may even make you feel uncomfortable and will not be what most would do. But, you are not most people. Allow your choices to reflect the person you are (the real you), the person who you seeking (Christ), and the cause you stand for (the Kingdom of God). This Fall, remember: God gave us the liberty to make choices. Let's choose, let go and let God!

Blog Entry By:
Ryan Faison, Director of QUEST/YAM

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