Wednesday, August 31, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #8: "Making Room For Worship"

Starting and returning to college life is a transition for the novice as well as the most seasoned young person. And you will not be the exception. Keeping a balance on life's demands is of utmost importance, especially since one of your goals is to succeed and prosper. Since this is the case, we cannot dismiss this important truth: Worshipping the Lord must be a part of your daily existence! Why? We don't approach worship to find God but to be found by Him. We come to God in order to express our gratitude for who He is, not simply for what His hand provides. We come to say, "I would not be in college if it were not for You, Lord!"

I remember talking to a college student who went away to school in upstate New York. One of the challenges they faced was finding a church while in school. And some of you may be in the same position. As you are searching for a place of worship (which we, QUEST, will be happy to assist you in), you can create a place of worship where you are. The fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ is vitally important to your spiritual growth and development. But, after Saturday or Sunday have passed, what does your life of worship look like? Worship is not only a time or a place, but a lifestyle.

Mark 12:30 says the following:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."
This expression of love is through your lifestyle of worship. Make room for it. Before going to class, worship the Lord through your praise and devotion. Before studying for an exam, worship the Lord and seek His face to give you the wisdom to study smarter, not harder. Before doing something that you know would not be right in the eyes of God, worship. I can guarantee that a conviction will rise within you to refrain and to find something worthwhile to do with your time (other than that!). Make room for worshipping God; watch God make room for all He has in you!

Blog Entry By: Ryan Faison, QUEST/YAM Director

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