Thursday, September 1, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #9: "What Are You Waiting For?"

“Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed.”  Proverbs 12:24 TLB
Let's be real: At one time or another, each of us may have procrastinated on "something". It might have been a project, an assignment, an e-mail that needed to be sent, a phone call that needed to be made or quite possibly, a prayer that needed to be said. Due to the lives many of us lead, we can always find an excuse or a valid reason of why we waited or delayed. But, as you start the semester, the question is this: "What are you waiting for?" Procrastination can impede on your progress and taint your character. As a student, you never want to be in the category of the "non-dependable ones."

The Scripture shares a profound truth that if you work hard, you are bound to be a leader. It may not be a leader of a corporation or a organization. But, your work ethic demonstrates leadership in this area and mastering a discipline that alludes too many. Conversely, being lazy bears fruit, but not the kind you want to reap. You have a hard time in succeeding and improving upon your successes. Laziness creeps in very subtledly and before we know it, the rope of laziness is binding us up from reaching our goals and being the person God has created us to be.

This semester, if you have a project or assignment due, what are you waiting for? Get'er done! As you balance and use time management skills, you will find more time for leisure, relaxation and rejuvenation. You will not be as tired, as stressed and as annoyed. Watch out for doing things the night before or pulling an all-nighter for no reason. Some may think this is part of the "college experience", but you may find that this practice becomes a habit and becomes a "life experience" that you never intended to embrace. Let's stop waiting and procrasinating. "A New Start" means adopting healthy and wise habits that will produce positive results.

Blog Entry By: Ryan Faison (QUEST/YAM Director)

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