Friday, August 26, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester Entry #5: "The Driver's Seat"

As you start this semester, you have probably been given the overwhelming impression that you are now in charge of your life. You are now independent to make decisions, act responsibly and set your own pace. In fact, you may be given the message: "You are in control". As Hurricane Irene is already showing those on the East Coast of the United States, you and I are not in control as much as we think we are. There are situations and circumstances that come that are out of our control: what someone else does or says, a financial emergency, a crisis, a death, an accident. These situations can cause us to lose focus, get distracted, and take us off course. But, these circumstances bring to our attention that we need help.

As you move-in to campus, you are faced with many questions:
(1) Who do I get to know?
(2) What activities/sports/groups do I join?
(3) How do I manage work, school and other responsibilities?
(4) Where do I get the money for tuition, fees and books?
(5) Who can I trust?

Rather than giving you a Christian cliche, I will say that trusting God helps you to answer the last question. God helps us know how, who, when and where to trust. In order for this to happen in our lives, we must let God take THE DRIVER'S SEAT! What do I mean? Rather than thinking "Hey, I got this" or "It's my time...I am going to "do me"!", letting God be the driver of your life says, "I don't have it all together" or "I am not sure what path to take, Lord, help me discover what I should do." It's humbling and it takes much pressure off of you to be the know-it-all.

A little advice: Do you want to fully enjoy your college experience this year? If your answer is yes (and I would hope it is), than make a decision to let God take the wheel (sorry, I had to use the Carrie Underwood song) and drive you to places you didn't even know existed. In Psalm 46:10, it says it all: "Cease striving and know that I am God"
Blog Entry By:
Ryan Faison
Director, QUEST/YAM

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