Thursday, August 25, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #4: "G.P.A."

Entry #4: "G.P.A."

In the book, "God Goes To College: Living Faith on Campus", there is an entry entitled "You Are Not Your G.P.A.". In this section, the authors right the following statement, "Give college a good effort. Let the grades take care of themselves. Have fun. Learn now how to find the resources you will need after you graduate. Let go of your anxiety about grades and discover the joy of learning. It's all part of loving God with your mind." (p. 30) After reading this, I immediately related to its truth. College is serious business but it does not mean that we are devoid of having fun (in a moral, ethical manner) and enjoy the process of learning who you are.

I remember being obsessed with my G.P.A. in college. The running though through my mind was that I wanted to graduate with an impressive G.P.A. in order to get into a prestigious law school and maintain the scholarship I received. When I woke up, I thought about it. When I was in class, I thought about it. When I went to sleep, I thought about it. The G.P.A. consumed my mind and my behavior. It was unhealthy and in essence, caused more distraction than focus. I realized that I am not my G.P.A. and my learning and growing will go well beyond my four years in college. So, just relax!

In Proverbs 24:3, it says this:
"A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense."
I am the house and I want my life to built by wisdom, not just academic achievements or IQ. The most exciting part is that I become strong when I use good sense, being able to discern my skill sets, my abilities and what I am not able to do. For those times I can't, I believe God can. As you start your fall semester, believe God can. When you take the time to devote to studying and having a balanced life, the G.P.A. will follow. I know this may be difficult to say to those driven to succeed academically, but always remember, you are defined in greater terms by a God who loves you desperately. You are not defined by your G.P.A.! If this helps, put a little spin on the word: G.P.A.: God's Purpose and Assignment!

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