Tuesday, September 13, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #17: "The Power of Distractions" Part II

Here is Part II of "The Power of Distractions" by Brickhouse Director (The Potter's House, Dallas, Texas) Travis Simons! Thanks Travis!

Here are 7 helpful tips to breaking “The Power of Distractions”:
1. Confront your distractions. Many times individuals lack the courage to confront their distractions because they don’t really see the distraction as a distraction. You can’t be afraid to tell your friends that you will have to call them back. Or press, the IGNORE button on your phone. Right now is not to fix their situation, its your time to focus. SN: Many times the people that take up the majority of your time getting advice will never really take your advice!

2. Break the routine of your distractions. Distractions feed off of your life habits. Learn to anticipate its arrival. It’s arrival will always occur at or near the same time it visited you on previous occasions. So if you were distracted last Tuesday when you were on your way to the library to start researching information for a paper, then more than likely it will appear continuously at that time.

3. Be priority driven. Let your priorities drive your daily activities. Highly prioritized individuals are usually more effective in their studies not because they are smarter than you but because they are driven by the priorities verses distractions. You have a goal or a priority in mind so stay in tune with it. Get a visual of it and keep walking toward it.

4. Build healthy and effective study habits. Don’t try to do what others do but find what works for you. Some people like to study in the morning and some people like to study late at night. What works for you will work for you. In this season, you are solely responsible for your success.

5. Let your study time be study time and your play time be play time. Give time to rest, relax, go to the step shows, movies, etc. Effective time management come with your willingness.

6. Create an environment that will minimize your distractions. Find a coffee shop clear across town. Find a place that is away from things that will distract you. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your distractions. If you give a distraction an inch, it will take 5 miles.

7. Build on Momentum- “The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.”~Tony Robbins Your life is a flow. It’s your time to dream, build, grow, and flow.

Travis J.Simons, MDiv., Young Adult Director
The Potter's House of Dallas, TX.
Travis J. Simons is the director of Christian Education and leader of The Potter’s House Young Adult ministry called “The BrickHouse.” Simons is a great communicator with life and charisma. Simons also equips young adults with the knowledge needed to declare, communicate, and demonstrate Biblical principles.

Prior to joining The Potter’s House, Simons held several leadership positions under the tutelage of Bishop Joby Brady and Pastor Sheryl Brady of The River Church in Durham, N.C. While there, he served as associate pastor, youth pastor, college and career pastor and outreach minister. He also provided liturgical, advisory and protocol support for Bishop Joby Brady.

Travis Simons believes that he was purposed and prepared to break barriers and to build bridges across racial, denominational and education boundaries. In 2009, Simons earned a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) from Duke Divinity School and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Philosophy from Claflin University in Orangeburg, S.C. in 2005. Simons, his wife Nina and daughter Sydney Marie Simons reside in Dallas, TX.

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