Wednesday, September 14, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #18: "Don't Call It A Comeback"

Entry #18: "Don't Call It A Comeback"

In the media saturated culture of our day, the general public loves to hear comeback stories. Whether it is a Hollywood star, an athlete, a politician or the down-trodden, comeback stories reminds us of hope of redemption. With a comeback of someone in the public eye, it is announced that their story is not over and a new chapter has just begun. The person who was villified yesterday can be lauded and hailed as a hero tomorrow. The person who was wallowing in the valley of life yesterday can find themselves celebrating on the mountaintop tomorrow. One day scorned, the next adored.

Privately, college students and young adults find themselves in the place of straining for a comeback. You may be yearning for the same. You may have been beset by sin, convicted of your behavior and corrected for the words you use. You may have betrayed a friend, gossiped, lied, cheated and even cheated yourself. And, now you wonder to yourself, "Can I ever get a second chance?" Comebacks are not designed only for media personalities; comebacks are designed in the Word of God for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Scripture tells us:
“Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.” - Romans 4: 7-8
This portion of scripture is encouraging for it reminds us that those who are in Christ, are sins are covered and not counted against us. This is not a license to sin, but gives us assurance that when we do mess up and submit to God in humility and repentance, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. It is already a finished work on Calvary. God is not only the God of the second chance, but innumerable chances. God will never give up on you.

You might have started this semester, started that job or that relationship, and you know you have missed the mark. You know that your behavior of late does not reflect holiness and righteousness. But, His grace is enough and He desires you to seek Him in relationship. In light of scripture, don't call it a comeback (like the world). Let's call it unconditional love.

Ryan E. Faison, M.Div.
Director, QUEST/YAM
Christ Church (Montclair and Rockaway, NJ)

Ryan E. Faison, M.Div., is the Director of the QUEST College Ministry and Young Adults Ministry of Christ Church, located in Montclair and Rockaway, New Jersey under the leadership of senior pastor, Dr. David Ireland. Ryan has served as a conference speaker at the New Jersey State Department’s MLK Youth Leadership Conference, as well as a host of other conferences and seminars. On a regular basis, Ryan serves the local church as a worship leader, teacher and a preacher of God’s Word. Ryan is a graduate of Seton Hall University, with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Divinity from Nyack Alliance Theological Seminary. Ryan serves on the Alliance Theological Seminary’s Alumni Board as well as the Council of Faith and Spirituality at Montclair State University. Ryan recently wed his love and best friend, Kristyn Faison. Ryan’s passion is to build up the next generation as authentic servants and worshippers of God.

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