Wednesday, August 24, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #3: "Time After Time"


One of the most difficult transitions for college students in their first year or returning is the discipline of time management. As they make A NEW START in their academic career, balancing their schedule and being disciplined in studies, activities, quiet time, and time for relaxation can become a stressful undertaking. The pressures and demands on your time can become overwhelming. But, notice the word can. It can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Time management is a skill that many adults in the working world have yet to master as they juggle the demands of life. But, as a college student, you have a unique opportunity to learn how to be a great steward of your time and enjoy your college experience.

I remember my first year starting at Seton Hall University ( in South Orange, New Jersey. I was a commuter student, a Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar and a member of its scholarship association, serving in ministry and had a responsibilities at home. At first, I thought I had it all together and wrapped up. I thought, "Hey, I can handle biggie". As the semester progressed, my outward confidence did not match my inner discipline. If I needed to be at a meeting or class at 8 AM, it didn't mean I arrived at 8 AM! Procrasination began to set in because I used the excuse that, I work better under pressure. Have you heard that before? Maybe you've said it. And in some cases, a deadline can stir up a greater intensity and adrenaline to get assignments or projects done. But, it will catch up to you and not in a good way.

The first semester as a freshman in college was a wake up call. I thought I was responsible and disciplined, but I realized I had much to learn if I was going to succeed in school and life. Are you willing to make the sacrifices to be a good steward of your time? It may not seem beneficial or comfortable at first, but incorporating this discipline of time management in your daily life will help you become a well-rounded person and promotable! Scripture tells us that:
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. - Colossians 4:5-6
The making the best use of your time and the time says to the Lord that I can be trusted with what you've given. Good time management says to others that you don't just say what sounds responsible, but you are responsible and ready. The most successful college students I know are not ones who have a perfect GPA but know how to handle life's demands and have balance in their lives. Let's learn the lesson of great time management for the purpose of success, growth and bringing honor to God.

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