Wednesday, September 7, 2011

QUEST Fall 2011 Semester Entry #13: "The Attitude Shift"

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." - Philippians 2:4
The QUEST College Ministry and Young Adults Ministry has started this blog for the purpose of connecting online with college students and young adults as they pursue their academic goals and grow or begin in their relationship with God. Along with our interaction, gatherings an initiatives, it is our prayer that you grow wholistically to be all that God has called you to become. Whether you are a new student or starting your last year in college, our message to you: We are here for you! If you are a young adult who is discovering your calling or career, our message to you: We are here for you! But, being there for someone is more than words. It must be shown and demonstrated as a lifestyle.

In our culture today, we have not always seen Philippians 2:4 in action. Our world seems inudated with those who are only concerned about me, myself, and I. Too often, too many are consumed with their own goals, ambitions, opportunities, and connections. And in the most tragic cases, some will trample over others to get where they think they should or need to be. A sad commentary, indeed. But, our culture tells us over the tv screens, radio/CDs, and movies that you need to "get yours". What does that mean? And when you "get yours", the question is: who do you have? I guess YOU.

Philippians 2:4 challenges us to think beyond ourselves and to turn our attention, not just to the needs of others, but their interests. By embracing this "challenge", you are positioning yourself to be counter cultural. Yet, your life is God-honoring and benefits more than just you, your family and those who you hang with. You begin to see your life developing into what God intended - Christlikeness. It is a life shift, a focus shift, and an attitude shift.

Blog Entry By: Ryan Faison (QUEST/YAM Director)

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