Tuesday, September 6, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #12: "Can I Really Move A Mountain?"

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I have many wonderful childhood memories, but during one of my recent devotional times, God reminded me of when I was 4 years old. It's probably one of the only memories I have from that age. I became increasingly adamant about the fact that I wanted a little brother. Everyday, I would tell my mom to have a baby. In the best way she knew how, she explained that she could no longer have children, so I would have to ask God. What I could not understand, is that after having me my mother had medical complications and did not expect to have any more children. Everyday I began to pray. I would walk over to her, lay hands on her stomach with a faith that was unwavering and say, "Lord, let mommy have a baby boy, so I can play fight with him." I was not educated in the doctrinal teachings of faith and did not speak with an eloquent approach, I just believed. Pastor David uses the acronym Full Assurance In The Heart, which perfectly depicts the simplicity of FAITH. There is no pre-requisite to the use of FAITH except belief. FAITH does not discriminate based on age, race or gender, it's uncomplicated. I knew nothing except the God controlled everything and that was all I needed to pray. Two years later, I saw my prayers manifest when my mother gave birth to a baby boy and never struggled in that area of her health again.

Perhaps you are now endeavoring on a new school, new job or find yourself in the same place and in need of something new. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulty with your family, finances or in your relationships. I encourage you to be reminded of that blind child like FAITH, we all once had. Childlike faith offers belief that has not been tainted by life experience, hurt or doubt, so when you pray today remember to simply believe and you will move that mountain.

Blog Entry by: Esmeralda Lopez
Esmeralda Lopez was born and raised in the church and made her initial commitment to Christ at the age of eight. Presently, Esmeralda is part of the Christ Church worship ministry. As a member of the Young Adults Ministry, Esmeralda serves as a Life Group Leader and a new Prayer Leader for Quest College Ministry & Young Adults Ministry. Esmeralda currently manages a condominium in Fort Lee, NJ. She enjoys singing, dancing, poetry, writing, acting, musical theatre, and arts & crafts.

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