Monday, September 5, 2011

QUEST Fall Semester 2011 Entry #11: "What Are You Looking At?"

The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. - Luke 11:34
There is an old adage that says, "The eye is the window to the soul". Although this statement is not found anywhere in the Scriptures, the Word of God does say that the eye is the lamp of your body. In the Scripture above, it says that when your eye is clear, your whole body is full of light. This passage bears the questions: What are you looking at? What are your eyes drawn to? Where have you placed your focus?

The first question needs to be examined deeply. Sometimes, we find ourselves looking at things that do not bring life to our souls and hope to our situations. Let's be real: Some of the "stuff" we look at it we know is wrong. It is not limited to media, but think about it: What movies do you watch? What do you find entertaining? Do you find yourself wrapped up in sexually-explicit material? When you allow your eyes to be locked in on what is morally corrupt, your whole body is full of darkness. As you start this semester, do you want this to be the case? You have a choice and let's choose wisely.

What are your eyes drawn to? Your eyes needs to be focused on that which will edify you, challenge you to go higher and push you to go deeper in God. Reading the Scriptures, reading books on skill development, watching movies/documentaries that will build rather than destroy are changes that can be made right now. Focus your eyes on your goals and not what you don't have. This determination to concentrate on your future rather than on your past will bear benefits beyond your years.

As you enter this semester, what your eyes focus on will be a part of your growth or will be a part of your stalling. I highly doubt that anyone reading this entry wants to stall where they are. If this is the case, then choose to evaluate what you look at. And, some may be in the case where we are not looking at anything because we are sleep spiritually. I challenge you to wake up and start focusing on the things God has purposed you to do. Our generation needs you! Ask yourself today: What are you looking at?

Blog Entry By: Ryan Faison (QUEST/YAM Director)

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